Benefits and Services

An array of benefits and services are available to the AUPO membership.


AUPO educational programs serve as platforms for sharing and exploring innovative approaches to leading an academic department and teaching current and future ophthalmologists, guiding them to improved surgical technique, and patient care and outcomes.

Annual Meeting is the only ophthalmology meeting that successfully blends the three missions of academic departments: research, education and patient care by integrating sessions for chairs, program directors, associate program directors, vice chairs of education, research directors, directors of medical student education, administrators and program coordinators under one roof.

Educating the Educators is our model forum developed by residency program directors focusing on faculty development and engagement, faculty and curriculum development, and resident education.

Boot Camp for New Chairs provides new chairs with advice and perspective on successful strategies for leading departments of ophthalmology.

Administrator Boot Camp offers administrators orientation and outlook on successful strategies for leadership in departments of ophthalmology. 

Academic Leadership Development Program delivers orientation and skills that will assist program participants in succeeding in the academic ophthalmology leadership pathway. In addition, it will provide meaningful opportunities to network with current leaders in our field as well as with fellow rising stars selected to participate in this program.

Learn more about AUPO educational programs in our Meetings section


Journal of Academic Ophthalmology (JAO) debuted as the official publication of AUPO in 2017. Our electronic, open access, peer-reviewed journal serves as a national and international forum for the dissemination and scholarly exchange of ideas and information that contribute to the advancement of academic ophthalmology, including medical education, resident and fellow training, research in health education, policy, and regulation. Article publication charges (APC) are waived for AUPO members and faculty and staff at AUPO member institutions.

Eyes on AUPO, our electronic newsletter is disseminated to the membership to share pertinent information outside of the journal pages.

Member Directory, a timely resource exclusive to the AUPO membership, is accessed through a secured portal.

Listservs for each membership community allow for quick dissemination of requests for feedback, sharing of ideas and best practices, and general networking. Listservs are a privilege of membership and coordinated for each AUPO member constituency. They are not intended for the distribution of non-member communications. Listserv inclusion is dependent on active membership and compliance with established policies. Read AUPO's Listserv Usage Policy.

Data and Survey Requests for research are reviewed and considered by the AUPO Data Resource Committee three times per year. For consideration, individuals must complete AUPO's Use of Data Request Form. Fees may apply. As of January 6, 2025 the following process and timeline will be followed:

  • Submissions are accepted during 3 submission periods.
  • Notification of review is sent within 30 days of the close of the submission period, including a score and comments for minor and major revisions. 
  • Submissions are graded on a 20-point scale, with 5 points each awarded to importance/relevance of topic, originality/novelty of proposal, clarity of purpose/hypothesis, and project design.
  • Non-survey research projects will be approved if the total score is at least 14, with no sub-score less than 3, and all reviewer comments are satisfactorily addressed. 
  • Survey requests are similarly graded, but only the top 4 scored surveys will be approved in any submission period, to limit the number of surveys to membership at 12 per year.
Submission period opens Submission period closes Notification
January 6 March 31 by April 30
April 1 June 30  by July 31
July 1 October 31 by November 30


Awards offer opportunities for individuals to shine and to acknowledge merits at a variety of levels. AUPO members have the following avenues for self and program recognition:

Academic Leadership Development Program

Excellence in Medical Student Education Award

RPB David F. Weeks Award for Outstanding Vision Research

Straatsma Award for Excellence in Resident Education

Resident and Fellow Research Forum

Commitment to Advocacy Award, sponsored by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, recognizes an ophthalmology training program annually. 

Opportunities for leadership contributions and development are available through:

  • Boards or Member Councils to represent each membership constituency
  • AUPO Council to empower and represent the entire membership by providing a voice and direct input to the Board of Trustees
  • Committee service
  • Mentoring programs


Mailing Lists can be leased for single-use at reduced rates for approved mailings, providing an affordable way to share annual reports, important announcements, and educational activity information.  

Faculty/Staff Positions listing provides member institutions with a complimentary mechanism for posting and filling Faculty and Senior Staff vacancies in their departments.

Faculty and Administration Compensation Survey is a comprehensive and detailed salary survey of ophthalmologists, optometrists, scientists and administrators in departments and divisions of ophthalmology within academic medical centers.  This effort demonstrates AUPO’s commitment to its Chair members by providing critical information that supports fair remuneration to their faculty and staff.  Survey data is confidential and available for purchase by Chairs who are members of AUPO.  To order a copy of the report, Chairs or Department Administrators should contact the AUPO office at

Review more details about our Programs and Services.