Annual Meeting
A major focus for AUPO is its annual meeting. At this four-day event, members gather to attend the wide variety of educational sessions and network informally. Educational content covers the three missions of academic departments: research, education and patient care and programming is consistent with the principles of inclusion, diversity, and equity. The meeting comprises a host of symposia, workshops, and concurrent sessions for chairs, residency program directors and associate program directors, vice chairs of education, research directors, directors of medical student education, administrators, residency program coordinators, as well as other faculty members.
Educating the Educators, a one-day educational program developed by residency program directors, was integrated into the annual meeting structure in 2008. Incorporating symposia, papers, posters, book club and other interactive sessions, this is a must-attend event for anyone involved in resident education.
Breakfast with Colleagues sessions were initiated in 2012. This popular activity provides productive one-on-one collaboration opportunities for attendees. These breakfast round-table networking sessions are an occasion for members to interact face-to-face with a group leader and other members with common interests at the table. Each table has a theme ranging from finances to leadership to philanthropy and more.
Boot Camps are offered for New Chairs and for Administrators. Boot Camp for New Chairs, introduced in 2017, is a program for Members who are within approximately three years of assuming the Chair position at their current academic institution. Administrator Boot Camp, debuting in 2019, is designed primarily for new Administrators within three years of hire, though all Administrators are welcomed. The purpose of the two programs is to provide advice and perspective on successful strategies for leading departments of ophthalmology, while offering opportunities for additional networking in a collegial environment.
Administrator and Residency Program Coordinator and Manager educational tracks are offered concurrently to enhance their specific roles and contributions to academic ophthalmology.
Future Annual Meetings
AUPO’s annual meeting dates and locations are planned several years in advance. Dates generally fall during the last week of January or the first week of February and the location alternates between western, central and eastern regions.
Other Meetings
Each year, AUPO co-sponsors a Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. These sessions offer additional resources for individuals seeking content related to resident and medical student education. Check the Other Meetings page periodically for updates about other AUPO-sponsored or co-sponsored educational opportunities.
Meeting Archive
Find Past annual meeting programs and syllabi, along with audio recordings synched with slide presentations of selected sessions, are available in AUPO’s Meeting Archive.