The Excellence in Medical Student Education Award will provide national recognition for an outstanding medical student educator on an annual basis. It is established through funding from the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (AUPO) and the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). The award will be presented annually at the AUPO Annual Meeting and includes a cash prize.
The nomination period will reopen in February 2025.
2023 Excellence in Medical Student Education Award Recipient
Past Recipients
Award information
Nominees for the Excellence in Medical Student Education Award must fulfill the following criteria:
- Be a Member of AUPO and a Member or Fellow of the AAO
- Have served as a Medical Student Educator at an ACGME, LCME, or RCPSC-accredited AUPO member program for a minimum of two years
- Currently serve as the Medical Student Educator
- Embody the qualities of:
- commitment to medical student education
- dedication to the medical student education training process
- active engagement in medical student education program leadership
- innovation in and/or advancement of medical student education in Ophthalmology at the Regional, National or AUPO level
- a consummate teacher/mentor/advisor
Special consideration in the selection process will be given to:
- current activities, not simply to length of service or to contributions made many years previously
- nominees who have published in peer-reviewed literature on subjects related to medical student education
- innovative work
- those who have achieved a leadership role in medical education
- achievement in mentoring other educators/future educators
Candidates must be nominated by their Department Chair
The Application Packet must include the following items (10 pt. font or greater)
- A letter (not to exceed three pages) from the Chair summarizing the Nominee’s special qualifications for the Award and verifying that, if awarded
- the Awardee will attend the AUPO Annual Meeting to receive the award
- the cash prize will be awarded directly to the Awardee and not counted against normal compensation or deposited in department accounts
- Two supporting letters (each not to exceed two pages) from faculty, current medical students, or past medical students who trained under the Nominee
- A copy of the Nominee’s current Curriculum Vitae
- A signed letter from the Nominee (not to exceed two pages) summarizing the Nominee’s accomplishments as Medical Student Educator and plans for future activities. The Nominee must also agree in the letter to provide a presentation at the Annual Meetings of AUPO on a topic related to medical student education training if chosen as the Awardee.
- The application packet must be compiled by the Department Chair and submitted electronically by April 15.
Selection Process
All completed applications will be reviewed by a Selection Committee and a recommendation forwarded to the AUPO Board of Trustees and the AAO Board of Trustee for approval.
The Awardee will be notified by July.