The Straatsma Award for Excellence in Resident Education (the “Straatsma Award”) was established through the generosity of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (AUPO) and private funds to recognize and celebrate an outstanding Program Director in ophthalmology. The award carries the name and honors the accomplishments of Bradley R. Straatsma, MD, JD, former Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology at UCLA and former Director of the Jules Stein Eye Institute. The award is presented annually at the Annual Meetings of the AAO and the AUPO and includes a cash prize.
The nomination period is open now through April 15.
Submit Nomination
2024 Straatsma Award Recipient

Duke University
Dr. Pratap Challa is a Clinician-Scientist and Professor of Ophthalmology at Duke University. He received his medical degree from the University of Florida College of Medicine where he also completed Ophthalmology Residency Training. He pursued a combined clinical and research glaucoma fellowship at Duke University under the mentorship of David Epstein, MD and Rand Allingham, MD. Dr. Challa has served as the Residency Program Director at the Duke Eye Center since 2001 and attributes the success of the residency program to outstanding chairman and faculty who are passionately dedicated to training the next generation of Ophthalmologists.
As a physician-scientist investigator, Dr. Challa has a special research interest in the genetic basis of inherited eye diseases. He has NIH funded projects investigating the cellular pathways associated with glaucoma development. This includes the genomic and proteomic profiling of ocular tissues to identify novel glaucoma pathways. Along with David Epstein, MD, Vasanth Rao, PhD, and Eric Toone, PhD, he helped develop a Rho-kinase inhibitor to treat glaucoma. In addition to basic science research, he has educational research interests including evaluating residency training and surgical outcomes. He has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and over 50 invited speaking engagements, several of which are related to residency training. Dr. Challa has a special interest in mentoring clinician-scientists and initiated several curricular changes at the Duke Eye Center to facilitate the early career development of trainees.
Dr. Challa has served on several education and quality committees at Duke University focusing on resident and trainee education. Nationally, he has served on several committees including the AAO’s residency and online education committees as well as the ACGME’s milestones 2.0 and standing panel for appeals committees. He has been a Board examiner for the ABO for over 2 decades including serving on exam development and prop development committees. He is currently an ABO board member and the ABO’s representative on the AAO council.
Award Information
Nominees for the Straatsma Award must fulfill the following criteria:
- Be a Member of AUPO and a Member or Fellow of the AAO
- Have served as a Program Director at an ACGME-accredited AUPO member program for a minimum of 3 years
- Currently serve as the Program Director
- Embody the qualities of:
- Commitment to resident education
- Dedication to the residency training process
- Active engagement in program leadership
- Innovation in and/or advancement of residency education in Ophthalmology at the Regional, National or AUPO level
- Be the consummate teacher/mentor/advisor
Special consideration in the selection process will be given to:
- current activities, not simply to length of service or to contributions made many years previously
- nominees who have published in peer-reviewed literature on subjects related to residency education
- innovative work
- those who have achieved a leadership role in medical education
- achievement in mentoring other educators/future educators
- Candidates must be nominated by their Department Chair
- The Application Packet must include the following items (10 pt. font or greater):
- A nomination form completed by the Chair
- One (1) supporting letter (each not to exceed two pages) from an ophthalmologist who is not a current trainee
- A copy of the Nominee’s current Curriculum Vitae
- A list of peer-reviewed publications by the Nominee that are relevant to residency education
- A signed letter from the Nominee (not to exceed two pages) summarizing the Nominee’s accomplishments as Program Director and plans for future activities. The Nominee must also agree in the letter to present at the AUPO Annual Meeting on a topic related to residency training if chosen as the Awardee.
- The application packet must be compiled by the Department Chair and submitted electronically by April 15.
Selection Process
- All completed applications will be reviewed by a Selection Committee and a recommendation forwarded to the AUPO Board of Trustees for approval and the AAO Board of Trustees for approval.
- The Awardee will be notified by July.
Past Straatsma Award Recipients

John Hopkins Hospital, Wilmer Eye Institute

Sinai Hospital of Baltimore

University of Pittsburgh
UPMC Eye Center

University of Oklahoma
Dean McGee Eye Institute

University of Minnesota
Graduate Medical Education

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

University of Michigan
Kellogg Eye Center
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

Thomas Jefferson University
Wills Eye Hospital

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Vanderbilt Eye Institute

Oregon Health and Sciences University
Casey Eye Institute

University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Emory University School of Medicine
Emory Eye Center

Wayne State University
Kresge Eye Institute

New Jersey Medical School

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Wilmer Eye Institute

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Cincinnati Eye Institute

University of California, Los Angeles
Jules Stein Eye Institute

University of Pennsylvania Health Systems
Scheie Eye Institute

University of Southern California
Doheny Eye Institute