Membership Overview

The objective of AUPO is the promotion of medical education, research, and patient care in ophthalmology.  To accomplish this objective AUPO provides a forum for discussion of mutual issues facing departments/divisions of ophthalmology of:

  • Medical schools accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) in the United States
  • Ophthalmology residency training programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) in medical schools and other teaching institutions in the United States
  • Departments/divisions of ophthalmology accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (RCPS) in Canada and affiliated with a Canadian medical school.

AUPO offers two membership categories: Member and Affiliate Member. 
AUPO's membership year is July 1 - June 30.

Member Policies

Code of Conduct for AUPO

Introduction and Purpose

AUPO champions an inclusive academic ophthalmology community to promote and advocate for excellence and equity in ophthalmic education, professional development, research, and clinical care.

The AUPO code of conduct expresses AUPO’s commitment to a civil and just society as reflected in our organization.

The AUPO code of conduct applies to all AUPO members and participants in AUPO events and meetings.

General Principles

AUPO members and participants are committed to acting honestly, truthfully, and with integrity in all our actions and dealings. We commit to treating each other with dignity, courtesy, and respect. We commit to listening to each other while keeping our hearts and minds open, and to speaking thoughtfully and with respect for our listeners.

Professional Standards

AUPO members and participants commit to maintaining competence in our profession, including the following, where applicable: clinical and surgical competency, research knowledge, educational and mentoring skills, and administrative expertise.
AUPO members and participants commit to improving the accountability, transparency, ethical conduct, and effectiveness of academic ophthalmology.

Conflict of Interest

AUPO members and participants acknowledge the potential for conflict of interest, and the need for this to be recognized and disclosed, as well as the need for appropriate steps to be taken to manage any identified conflicts as outlined in AUPO’s conflict of interest policy.

AUPO members and participants commit to serving the AUPO membership and the broader academic ophthalmology community with impartiality, transparency, and fairness.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

AUPO members and participants agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations.

In addition, AUPO members and participants agree to bring to the attention of the AUPO Board of Trustees any decisions or actions that they identify as unethical or illegal. Further, they commit to informing the Board of the possible results of these decisions or actions.


Officers, trustees, and committee members, together comprising “AUPO leadership” agree to serve AUPO with loyalty and respect for confidentiality, avoiding conflicts of interest and activities that may be perceived as taking personal advantage to the possible detriment of the AUPO or its members.

AUPO leadership agrees to respect and protect confidential information.

Professional Relationships

AUPO is committed to nurturing members and participants in their professional development, as they work to become independent and accomplished contributors to academic ophthalmology. AUPO is committed to developing an inclusive community in which members engage, collaborate, and develop productive professional relationships.

AUPO expects members and participants to develop professional relationships and to achieve resolution of actual or apparent conflicts in a professional and respectful manner.

Inclusion and Diversity

AUPO members and participants aspire to be an inclusive community, promoting diversity, creativity, and accomplishment in all of our internal operations, programs, and policies.

Avoiding Discrimination and Harassment

AUPO members and participants commit to treating every individual with dignity and respect. Further, they commit to engaging others in good faith and assuming good intent.

Harassment and discrimination are not tolerated in any activity or interaction among AUPO members and participants. Members and participants who witness such behavior agree to bring the incident to the attention of the AUPO Board of Trustees for further review and action.

Reporting Violations and Consequences

AUPO members and participants are encouraged to report violations of the Code of Conduct to the AUPO Board of Trustees. Where the violation involves a trustee, the report will be made to the Executive Vice President (EVP). If the violation involves the EVP, then the report will be made to the President. In the event that the EVP and the President are involved, the report will be made to the AUPO Client Services Manager who will convene an ad hoc committee of appropriate individuals. Reporters acting in good faith will be protected, and the information managed with sensitivity, and in accordance with the AUPO Policy Statement on “Governance: whistleblower protection.”  Retaliatory behavior will not be tolerated.

The AUPO will review complaints and determine necessary action, up to and including loss of membership. These disciplinary actions will be applied in a fair and consistent manner.

Review and Update Process

AUPO leadership commits to reviewing and updating the code of conduct at a minimum every three years, utilizing a process that solicits feedback from members. The AUPO Code of Conduct will be posted on the AUPO website.

Copy of Code of Conduct for AUPO Members

July 23, 2024

Whistleblower Protection Policy

This Whistleblower Protection Policy of the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (AUPO), hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”: (1) encourages staff and volunteers to come forward with credible information on illegal practices or serious violations of adopted policies of the Organization; (2) specifies that the Organization will protect the person from retaliation; and (3) identifies where such information can be reported.

1. Encouragement of reporting. The Organization encourages complaints, reports or inquiries about illegal practices or serious violations of the Organization’s policies, including illegal or improper conduct by the Organization itself, by its leadership, or by others on its behalf. Appropriate topics to raise under this policy would include financial improprieties, accounting or audit matters, ethical violations, or other similar illegal or improper practices or policies.  Other subjects on which the Organization has existing complaint mechanisms should be addressed under those mechanisms, such as raising matters of alleged discrimination or harassment via the Organization’s human resources channels, unless those channels are themselves implicated in the wrongdoing.  This policy is not intended to provide a means of appeal from outcomes in those other mechanisms. There is no financial reward associated with whistleblowing.

2. Protection from retaliation. The Organization prohibits retaliation by or on behalf of the Organization against staff or volunteers for making good faith complaints, reports or inquiries under this policy or for participating in a review or investigation under this policy. This protection extends to those whose allegations are made in good faith but prove to be mistaken.  The Organization reserves the right to discipline persons who make bad faith, knowingly false, or vexatious complaints, reports or inquiries or who otherwise abuse this policy.

3. Where to report. Complaints, reports or inquiries may be made under this policy on a confidential or anonymous basis. They should describe in detail the specific facts demonstrating the bases for the complaints, reports or inquiries.  They should be directed to the Organization’s Executive Vice President or President; if both of those persons are implicated in the complaint, report or inquiry, it should be directed to the President-Elect of the Society. The Organization will conduct a prompt, discreet, and objective review or investigation.  Staff or volunteers must recognize that the Organization may be unable to fully evaluate a vague or general complaint, report or inquiry that is made anonymously.  

Use of Confidential Match Information by Participating Programs and Their Faculty

Protection of confidential information provided by applicants for residency or fellowship training utilizing the SFMatch is a fiduciary responsibility of AUPO. SFMatch and AUPO have ownership and are the sole custodians of these data. A variety of reports comprised of pooled and de-identified data are routinely provided to programs and applicants to facilitate transparency in the match process. All of these reports may be used by the public without permission or attribution.

Participating training programs are provided with access to identifiable confidential personal information on candidates for the sole intent of matching applicants to training programs. These data may not be utilized, whether identifiable or not, by programs, institutions, or individuals for any other purposes, including, but not limited to, data analysis, research, and publication without express permission from AUPO in consultation from SFMatch.

Faculty from participating programs may request access to SFMatch data for specific research protocols that are submitted to, and approved by, the AUPO Data Resource Committee. Data for approved research must be provided directly from files provided by SFMatch. All published or reported research utilizing datasets provided by SFMatch at the direction of the AUPO Data Resource Committee shall acknowledge both SFMatch and AUPO as author or non-author contributors, as appropriate.

Use of data residing on training program portals or internally derived databases for any purposes other than an ongoing current match cycle is prohibited. Programs whose faculty are in violation of this policy are subject to disciplinary action that may include suspension or expulsion from SFMatch. 

Copy of Policy

June 2024

Membership Categories


One Chair Member is allowed per eligible program.

The following Member categories are available to individuals who meet the criteria below and whose Chair is a Member of AUPO:

  • Residency Program Director - limited to the one individual recognized by the ACGME as the responsible party for the residency training program
  • Associate Residency Program Director - limited to two individuals who are recognized at their institutions as associate program directors whose program director is recognized by the ACGME as the responsible party.
  • Vice/Associate Chair of Education - limited to one individual recognized as the Vice/Associate Chair of Education (or equivalent) whose program director is recognized by the ACGME as the responsible party.
  • Director of Medical Student Education - limited to two individuals who are recognized by the Chair as the program’s director of medical student education
  • Research Director - limited to two individuals who are recognized by the Chair as the program’s director of research
  • Administrator - limited to two individuals who are recognized by the Chair as the Senior Administrators promoting the effective and professional administrative support of medical education, research and patient care within the department of ophthalmology

Affiliate Members

Affiliate Membership is available to individuals who meet the criteria below and whose Chair and Residency Program Directors are Members of AUPO:

  • Coordinator – limited to two individuals who are the Residency Program Manager/Coordinator

Annual Member and Affiliate Member Dues


$650 - Chair, Non-Military Program

$325 - Chair, Military Program

$325 - Members, Non-Military Programs*

$163 - Members, Military Programs*

* Program Director, Associate Program Director, Vice/Associate Chair of Education, Director of Medical Student Education, Research Director, Administrator

Affiliate Members

$100 - All Affiliate Members


Prospective New Members

Chairs, Residency Program Directors, Associate Residency Program Directors, Vice/Associate Chairs of Education, Directors of Medical Student Education, Research Directors, Senior Administrators, or Coordinators in departments/divisions of ophthalmology at:

  • Medical schools accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) in the United States
  • Ophthalmology residency training programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) in medical schools and other teaching institutions in the United States
  • Departments/divisions of ophthalmology accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (RCPS) in Canada and affiliated with a Canadian medical school

may apply for membership throughout the year.  In all cases, the Chair must join as the Member first, followed by applicable Members. Eligibility will be verified by AUPO before membership is approved.

If your program meets the above criteria and is not included on the current active member institution list, please complete a New Member Form

Current Member/Affiliate Member Changes and Additions

Changes in membership for Chairs, Residency Program Directors, Associate Program Directors, Vice/Associate Chairs of Education (or equivalent), Directors of Medical Student Education, Research Directors, Senior Administrators, and Coordinators should be reported throughout the year.

Reporting changes can be accomplished by submitting a New Member Form.  

Dues are payable only once annually even when there is a mid-year change in the individual representing the medical school or other institution.

Eligibility for each requested change or addition will be verified by AUPO before approved.