The National Medical Association (NMA) and Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (AUPO) are pleased to solicit applications for the next cohort of the INTREPID Program (INvesting, TRaining, Equipping and Promoting Individuals for Distinction in ophthalmology). Nominations are open through March 5.
The National Medical Association (NMA) and Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (AUPO) are pleased to solicit applications for the next cohort of the INTREPID Program (INvesting, TRaining, Equipping and Promoting Individuals for Distinction in ophthalmology). As a partnership between NMA and AUPO, the INTREPID program is a highly interactive year-long, seminar-based program that provides under-represented in medicine (URiM) faculty members a tailored professional development opportunity to learn foundational knowledge and skills that will enable them to achieve career goals, advance, and thrive as a successful leader in academic medicine and science. The program includes planned sessions at three national meetings:
The program will also provide several 75–90-minute virtual sessions, in addition to individualized meetings with both professional career and cultural resilience coaches. Accepted faculty members should be able to commit to full attendance of all sessions. Faculty should confirm support for the time commitment for participation in the program with their department chair/division chief. The INTREPID program will partially subsidize portions of travel, accommodation, and registration for the selected participants. |
For any questions about the program, please contact